24-04-2017, 22:31
Poradzi sie pomiynić, coby przi logowaniu bůł https a niy http? bo mie tyn Firefox dokludzi do biołyj gorunczki....
24-04-2017, 22:31
Poradzi sie pomiynić, coby przi logowaniu bůł https a niy http? bo mie tyn Firefox dokludzi do biołyj gorunczki....
25-04-2017, 07:05
eee a coś barzi rozbudowanego? bo tyn synek to taki elokwyntny....
25-04-2017, 07:15
Cza wlyjź we ACP i tam posznupac
27-04-2017, 20:51
a umisz to zoboczyc?
28-04-2017, 06:37
Pacza pacza i je trocha s tym roboty. Musza bes wieczór do tego siednunc
28-04-2017, 07:06
no ok, jakbyś coś potrzebowol pomoc to dej znac
28-04-2017, 07:23
Bydymy mieli skund wziuns certyfikat?
"The TLS certificate for a public website needs to be issued by a certificate authority trusted by major web browsers, validating the ownership of a domain. Certificates can be obtained from CAs directly as well as domain and web hosting providers — it’s possible that your host contains such offers or that it’s already included in your package."
28-04-2017, 13:54
Cytat: Certificates can be obtained from CAs directly as well as domain and web hosting providers — it’s possible that your host contains such offers or that it’s already included in your package." Mo. |
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